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Mass Spectrometry Analysis of NMC622/Graphite Li-Ion Cells Electrolyte Degradation Products after Storage and Cycling

Sebastien Rigaud Ana Cristina Martinez Tristan Lombard Sylvie Grugeon Pierre Tran-Van Serge Pilard Stéphane Laruelle

Crystal Structure of Na2V2(PO4)(3), an Intriguing Phase Spotted in the Na3V2(PO4)(3)-Na1V2(PO4)(3) System

Sunkyu Park Ziliang Wang Zeyu Deng Iona Moog Pieremanuele Canepa Francois Fauth Dany Carlier Laurence Croguennec Christian Masquelier Jean-Noel Chotard
Chemistry of Materials

Deconvoluting the impacts of the active material skeleton and the inactive phase morphology on the performance of lithium ion battery electrodes

Mehdi Chouchane Alejandro A. Franco

Deconvoluting the benefits of porosity distribution in layered electrodes on the electrochemical performance of Li-ion batteries

Abbos Shodiev Mehdi Chouchane Miran Gaberscek Oier Arcelus Jiahui Xu Hassan Oularbi Jia Yu Jianlin Li Mathieu Morcrette Alejandro A. Franco

Phase stability and sodium-vacancy orderings in a NaSICON electrode

Ziliang Wang Sunkyu Park Zeyu Deng Dany Carlier Jean-Noel Chotard Laurence Croguennec Gopalakrishnan Sai Gautam Anthony Cheetham Christian Masquelier Pieremanuele Canepa
Journal of Materials Chemistry A

How carbon coating or continuous carbon pitch matrixinfluence the silicon electrode/electrolyte interfacesand the performance in Li‐ion batteries

L. Monconduit Aude Roland Julien Fullenwarth Jean-Bernard Ledeuil Hervé Martinez Nicolas Louvain
Battery Energy

Carbon-coated FePO4 nanoparticles as stable cathode for Na-ion batteries: A promising full cell with a Na15Pb4 anode

Bidhan Pandit Bernard Fraisse Lorenzo Stievano Laure Monconduit Moulay Tahar Sougrati
Electrochimica Acta

In Situ Liquid Electrochemical TEM Investigation of LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 Thin Film Cathode for Micro‐Battery Applications

Ankush Bhatia Sorina Cretu Maxime Hallot Nicolas Folastre Maxime Berthe David Troadec Pascal Roussel Jean Pierre Pereira-Ramos Rita Baddour-Hadjean Christophe Lethien Arnaud Demortière
Small Methods

Artificial neural network approach for multiphase segmentation of battery electrode nano-CT images

Etienne Decencière Tuan-Tu Nguyen Kaoutar El-Amiry Vincent de Andrade Alejandro A. Franco Arnaud Demortière Zeliang Su

In Search of the Best Solid Electrolyte-Layered Oxide Pairing for Assembling Practical All-Solid-State Batteries

Tuncay Koç Florencia Marchini Gwenaëlle Rousse Romain Dugas Jean-Marie Tarascon
ACS Applied Energy Materials

Methods—On the Reliability of the Electrochemical Data Recorded on Nickel Foam in Alkaline Solution: The Illusive Surface Oxide Layer

Keyvan Malaie Zahra Heydari Thierry Brousse
Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Microscopic origin of the effect of substrate metallicity on interfacial free energies

Laura Scalfi Benjamin Rotenberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America