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Synthesis and electrochemical performance of the orthorhombic Li2Fe(SO4)2 polymorph for Li-ion batteries

L. Lander M. Reynaud G. Rousse Moulay Tahar Sougrati C. Laberty-Robert R. J. Messinger M. Deschamps J.-M. Tarascon
Chemistry of Materials

Matériaux lithiés obtenus par dépôt physique et chimique en phase vapeur pour microbatterie Li-ion

Manon Letiche Etienne Eustache Pascal Roussel Christophe Lethien

MnSn2 electrodes for Li-ion batteries: Mechanisms at the nano scale and electrode/electrolyte interface

Bertrand Philippe A. Mahmoud Jean-Bernard Ledeuil Moulay Tahar Sougrati K. Edström Rémi Dedryvère Danielle Gonbeau P.E. Lippens
Electrochimica Acta

Sputtered thin films for lithium ion microbatteries : recent results on TiN lithium barrier diffusion layer, Au negative and C-LiFePO4 positive electrodes

Etienne Eustache Jeremy Freixas Olivier Crosnier Pascal Tilmant Dmitri Yarekha Pascal Roussel Nathalie Rolland Thierry Brousse Christophe Lethien

Step-conformal deposition of TiO2 and MnO2 electrodes on advanced silicon microstructures for 3D Li-ion microbatteries and micro-supercapacitors

E. Eustache C. Douard Pascal Tilmant Laurence Morgenroth P. Roussel Thierry Brousse Christophe Lethien

[Invited] 3D substrates for improved performance of Li-ion microbatteries

Etienne Eustache Olivier Crosnier Pascal Tilmant Laurence Morgenroth Pascal Roussel Nathalie Rolland Christophe Lethien Thierry Brousse

3D micro-supercapacitor based on MnO2 electrodes on silicon substrate

Etienne Eustache Camille Douard Pascal Tilmant Dmitri Yarekha Laurence Morgenroth Christophe Lethien Thierry Brousse

Carbonaceous multiscale-cellular foams as novel electrodes for stable, efficient lithium-sulfur batteries

Martin Depardieu Raphaël Janot Clément Sanchez Ahmed Bentaleb Christel Gervais Marc Birot Rezan Demir-Cakan Rénal Backov Mathieu Morcrette
RSC Advances

Silicon-microtube scaffold decorated with anatase TiO2 as a negative electrode for a 3D litium-ion microbattery

Etienne Eustache Pascal Tilmant Laurence Morgenroth Pascal Roussel Gilles Patriarche David Troadec Nathalie Rolland Thierry Brousse Christophe Lethien
Advanced Energy Materials

Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rate electrochemical energy storage

Veronica Augustyn Patrice Simon Bruce Dunn
Energy & Environmental Science

VN thin films as electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors

R. Lucio-Porto S. Bouhtiyya Jean-François Pierson A. Morel Fabien Capon Pascal Boulet T. Brousse
Electrochimica Acta

Formation of single domain magnetite by green rust oxidation promoted by microbial anaerobic nitrate-dependent iron oxidation

Jennyfer Miot Jinhua Li Karim Benzerara Moulay Tahar Sougrati Georges Ona-Nguema Serge Bernard Jean-Claude Jumas François Guyot
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta